Tuesday, February 10, 2009

National Model Search to benefit charity!

When I decided to really immerse myself in photography, I knew that part of my business would have to include a charitable outlet. My choice in a charity was Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. NILMDTS (the more common abbreviation) is a national group of photographers who assist families who are losing or have lost an infant. We photograph the infant, and/or the family and provide them with a CD and DVD of images, free of cost. These images, while taken at a very vulnerable time, can provide peace and comfort later on for these families. 

Being a part of NILMDTS has been a very humbling experience for me. It is one thing to provide a family with portraits of their child laughing  and playing at the beach; it is an entirely different experience to give a family portraits of their infant who wasn't able to fulfill the hopes and dreams they had for him. Most families take for granted the every day occurences that children bring ..... laundry, laughter, countless snapshots. These families have sometimes just a few precious hours with their child, and only these few photographs to remember their child. Needless to say, my heart is with these families, and I feel blessed to be able to offer them some kind of comfort with their loss.    

When I received an email from the founder of NILMDTS with news of a fundraiser for this fabulous charity, I knew that I would participate. Sandy Puc', who is the founder of NILMDTS, is heading up a national model search for children. A participating photographer like myself enters the child (or children), and then requests family and friends to vote for their model. Each vote is $1, and every penny of the donations go directly to the NILMDTS organization. The winning child is given a scholarship, and the winning photographer gets a new camera package, so its a win/win!

Here is my entry for the contest..... some of you may recognize her......

If you have a heart for this type of charitable event, please go to www.sandypucvotes.com. Scroll down to Jacksonville, then click on 'view gallery'. Click on 'M' and you will see our entry.  Feel free to donate as little or as much as you can, and remember that every penny goes to Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep.  You can help raise money for a great cause, and hey, maybe I'll even get a new camera!  ; )
God Bless!

Grace, personal